Papers Grade Please!
Papers Grade Please!
  • File Size:

    101.71 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Dec 7, 2023

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Lion Studios

  • File Size:

    584.4 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Dec 19, 2023

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Lion Studios



Papers Grade Please! is an engaging and educational mobile game that puts players in the shoes of a teacher responsible for grading assignments. With a humorous take on the world of education, the game challenges players to grade papers, handle various scenarios, and make decisions that impact the students' fate. As you juggle different aspects of teaching and classroom management, the game offers a unique blend of time management and decision-making. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the game's mechanics, provide strategic tips and tricks for mastering the challenges, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and highlight the key features that make it a standout title in the world of educational simulation games.

Succeeding in Papers Grade Please! requires effective time management, empathy, and strategic decision-making. Here are some tips and strategies to help you excel in the game:

Prioritize time management: Efficiently managing your time is critical. Start with the papers that are close to the deadline to avoid late submissions.

Consider student profiles: Take into account each student's profile, including their academic performance and personal background, when making decisions. Be empathetic and considerate.

Balance grading and decision-Making: While grading is your primary task, don't neglect the decision-making scenarios. A well-balanced approach ensures success.

Focus on consequences: Think about the potential outcomes of your decisions. Sometimes, the best decision may not be immediately obvious, so weigh the consequences.

Utilize in-game currency wisely: Use the in-game currency you earn to unlock new content, such as additional scenarios or customization options that can enhance the gameplay.

Replay scenarios: Papers Grade Please! offers replay value. Replaying scenarios with different decisions can lead to diverse outcomes and broaden your gaming experience.

Stay organized: Organize papers and assignments based on submission times and prioritize based on deadlines to avoid chaos during grading.

Read instructions carefully: Pay attention to the instructions on each assignment and scenario. Misinterpreting instructions can lead to unintended consequences.

Practice empathy: Treat each student with empathy and understanding. Your decisions can affect their lives, and showing empathy can lead to positive outcomes.

Learn from mistakes: Don't be discouraged by negative outcomes. Learn from your mistakes and use them to make better decisions in future scenarios.

Papers Grade Please! offers an educational and decision-driven gaming experience but also has its strengths and weaknesses:


Educational value: The game offers insights into the challenges faced by educators and the impact of decisions on students, providing educational value.

Decision-making challenges: The game presents a variety of decision-making scenarios that engage players and challenge their problem-solving skills.

Empathy emphasis: Papers Grade Please! promotes empathy and understanding in its gameplay, highlighting the importance of considering the students' backgrounds and challenges.

Replay value: The game offers replay value as different decisions can lead to varying outcomes, encouraging players to explore different paths.

Progression system: Completing scenarios and grading assignments leads to in-game currency rewards and unlocks new content, adding depth to the gameplay.


Ads and in-app purchases: The game includes ads and in-app purchases that can interrupt gameplay. An option to remove ads is available.

Limited gameplay variety: Some players may find the gameplay somewhat repetitive, as the core mechanics of grading and decision-making remain consistent.

Subjective scenarios: The game's scenarios can be subjective, and what constitutes a "correct" decision can vary based on individual perspectives.

Papers Grade Please! stands out as an educational and decision-driven game that offers unique insights into the world of teaching and decision-making:

Educational value: The game provides educational insights into the teaching profession, offering players a chance to experience the challenges and responsibilities of educators.

Empathy emphasis: Papers Grade Please! promotes empathy and understanding in its gameplay, highlighting the importance of considering students' unique backgrounds and struggles.

Decision-making challenges: The game engages players with various decision-making scenarios, offering a chance to test their problem-solving skills and assess the consequences of their choices.

Replay value: The ability to replay scenarios with different decisions adds replay value and encourages players to explore multiple outcomes.

Progression system: Completing scenarios and grading assignments to earn in-game currency, unlock new content, and customize the gameplay experience.

In conclusion, Papers Grade Please! offers an educational and decision-driven gaming experience that caters to fans of educational simulations and decision-making games. While it includes ads, in-app purchases, and some potential subjectivity in decision-making scenarios, the game's pros outweigh the cons. Whether you're interested in experiencing the challenges of teaching, testing your problem-solving skills, or emphasizing empathy in decision-making, Papers Grade Please! offers a unique journey into the world of education and the impacts of choices on students' lives.
